Suryavanshi Commotrade Private Limited · @suryavanshi.commotrade1 · 0 Followers
7.3% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Textiles & Apparels
Building Materials
Portfolio (9 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
GTPL 1.7% 164 168 2.4%
UFO 2.3% 559 135 75.9%
VIPCLOTHNG 1.1% 75.5 47.3 37.4%
BEWLTD 0% 995 790 20.6%
ESTER 1.1% 89.2 157 76.2%
MSTCLTD 0.4% 92.2 681 638.7%
BETA 0% 119 645 442.0%
INDTERRAIN 2.1% 138 57.8 58.3%
LOKESHMACH 1.4% 82.5 373 352.3%