T Rowe Price International Discovery Fund · @t.rowe.price · 0 Followers
-0.4% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Consumer Durables
Portfolio (14 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
PNBHOUSING 2.1% 1,487 792 46.7%
DISHTV 0.8% 83.3 15.5 81.4%
CYIENT 1.9% 505 1,793 255.1%
VARROC 0.5% 982 672 31.5%
VOLTAS 0.5% 389 1,452 273.5%
POLYCAB 0.5% 841 6,629 688.0%
BLUESTARCO 6.5% 698 1,711 145.1%
CREDITACC 0.0% 756 1,330 76.0%
TEAMLEASE 2.0% 1,649 3,005 82.3%
VMART 5.6% 2,542 3,248 27.7%
ESCORTS 1.1% 376 4,129 997.0%
IPCALAB 1.4% 324 1,193 268.1%
SHK 1.5% 207 193 6.5%
TTKPRESTIG 3.6% 299 891 198.3%