Tata Sons Limited · @tata.sons1 · 54 Followers
24.9% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (14 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
TCS 0.4% 1,279 4,309 236.9%
TATASTEEL 0.5% 52.2 166 218.7%
TATAMOTORS 0.1% 460 992 115.9%
INDHOTEL 0.0% 110 710 543.6%
TATAPOWER 1.9% 81.4 485 496.0%
TATACONSUM 1.0% 174 1,201 588.6%
TATACHEM 1.2% 497 1,067 114.6%
TATACOMM 0.8% 415 2,126 412.0%
VOLTAS 0.5% 242 1,866 669.6%
TATAINVEST 0.7% 569 6,846 1102.6%
TRENT 0.3% 133 7,823 5788.7%
TATAELXSI 0.7% 298 7,775 2506.8%
TTML 0.7% 7.6 85 1018.6%
NELCO 5.0% 81.4 1,045 1184.0%
Followers (54)