Tejas Tradefin Llp · @tejas.tradefin.llp · 0 Followers
32.5% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Consumer Durables
Portfolio (23 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
BAJAJCON 0.4% 253 263 4.0%
AMBER 1.2% 1,838 4,446 141.9%
RELIGARE 0.2% 49.2 246 400.5%
THEMISMED 1.7% 73.6 206 179.6%
BFUTILITIE 1.5% 273 862 215.7%
FSC 3.0% 129 3.18 97.5%
PENIND 4.1% 23.4 172 636.4%
FCL 0.3% 47.3 394 733.7%
DLINKINDIA 18.6% 117 564 380.9%
KABRAEXTRU 0.7% 136 410 202.4%
AWHCL 0.9% 362 540 48.9%
RCOM 0% 3.7 1.94 47.6%
VIKASECO 0.3% 1.92 3.87 101.9%
AMBASARABH 15.9% 41.9 53.8 28.4%
CEREBRAINT 2.3% 14.1 6.5 53.7%
GREENPOWER 1.1% 2.85 21.4 650.2%
SINTEX 0% 5.24 2.21 57.8%
UTTAMSTL 0% 5.58 3.4 39.1%
COX&KINGS 0% 1.78 1.75 1.9%
UEL 0% 3.21 256 7889.1%
SATIN 0.1% 64.2 224 249.6%
SITINET 1.5% 0.53 0.67 26.0%
RNAVAL 0% 1.01 2.27 124.8%