The Pabrai Investment Fund Iv, Lp · @the.pabrai.investment5 · 0 Followers
2.9% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Oil & Gas
Portfolio (13 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
KRBL 1.3% 594 280 52.9%
RAIN 2.0% 382 142 62.8%
SUNTECK 2.2% 298 466 56.3%
CARERATING 5.2% 1,221 1,176 3.7%
J&KBANK 1.1% 150 101 32.9%
REPCOHOME 3.3% 572 379 33.8%
KSCL 5.7% 542 951 75.5%
PHOENIXLTD 10.9% 517 1,821 252.1%
IEX 2.8% 45.5 170 273.0%
SOUTHBANK 2.3% 28.4 25.3 10.8%
HCG 2.5% 285 525 84.3%
KOLTEPATIL 4.2% 210 274 30.7%
BALAMINES 0.4% 272 1,731 535.9%