Tree Line Asia Master Fund (Singapore) Pte Limited · · 0 Followers
4.9% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (9 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
EICHERMOT 0.1% 1,508 4,850 221.7%
JUBLFOOD 0.0% 373 675 80.8%
JINDALSTEL 2.7% 213 1,024 380.0%
UBL 1.7% 835 2,049 145.3%
TVSMOTOR 1.2% 287 2,784 871.4%
ASTRAL 0.7% 206 1,896 821.4%
EMBDL 0.9% 96.9 125 29.1%
JUSTDIAL 1.6% 498 1,196 140.2%
TIMKEN 0.0% 3,913 3,759 3.9%