Unclaimed Shares · @unclaimed.shares · 0 Followers
19.2% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Textiles & Apparels
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (15 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
WELSPUNLIV 0.3% 89.3 178 99.8%
ALEMBICLTD 1.8% 47.7 144 201.4%
ELGIEQUIP 0.8% 60.7 732 1105.4%
WELCORP 0.5% 118 682 476.5%
KANORICHEM 4.7% 46.5 161 245.7%
UNIVCABLES 0.9% 50.6 697 1278.3%
PRECOT 2.3% 62 320 416.6%
LPDC 5.0% 2.85 10.2 256.1%
SAKHTISUG 0.7% 15.4 38.9 152.5%
WELENT 2.6% 56.9 574 910.1%
VINDHYATEL 2.9% 752 2,317 208.2%
BASML 1.5% 125 64.1 48.7%
WELINV 1.9% 49.9 980 1865.9%
BIRLACABLE 1.1% 46.2 262 466.5%
RGL 7.8% 14.3 132 825.9%