United India Insurance Co Ltd · @united.india.insurance7 · 0 Followers
18.6% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Oil & Gas
Building Materials
Portfolio (9 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
SUNDARMFIN 3.9% 1,494 5,329 256.7%
TIDEWATER 1.8% 969 2,183 125.3%
MADHAV 1.6% 64.1 53.2 17.0%
PKTEA 2.5% 299 554 85.0%
IPRINGLTD 4.4% 126 225 78.7%
GSS 0.8% 20.8 78.1 276.6%
SREERAYALK 2.3% 81.2 91.6 12.7%
SHAHALLOYS 0.3% 6.55 88 1243.4%
HSCL 1.4% 15.8 634 3901.6%