Uti Mid Cap Fund · @uti.mid.cap6 · 0 Followers
21.3% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Portfolio (21 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
CGPOWER 1.5% 166 761 358.9%
CAMS 0.4% 2,766 4,455 61.1%
BAJAJCON 1.1% 428 249 41.8%
ESCORTS 0.4% 204 4,327 2025.0%
INDOCO 2.2% 313 357 14.0%
LAOPALA 2.4% 316 349 10.4%
JKIL 0.3% 317 780 146.0%
PRAJIND 5.5% 94.8 801 745.5%
ORIENTCEM 3.2% 154 278 81.0%
WONDERLA 0.7% 316 876 177.1%
AUTOAXLES 1.4% 652 1,915 193.8%
VESUVIUS 0.2% 800 5,694 612.0%
KSB 1.4% 661 890 34.7%
GIPCL 0.5% 95.5 231 142.4%
ICIL 0.4% 69 388 461.9%
IFBIND 1.2% 324 1,805 456.3%
VASCONEQ 0.7% 32.9 63.7 93.5%
RKFORGE 0.8% 66.7 1,018 1425.3%
SYNGENE 0.6% 560 885 58.1%
RAMKY 1.7% 46 669 1354.7%
ALLDIGI 2.6% 27.9 1,053 3679.0%