Vaibhav Doshi · @vaibhav.doshi · 1 Followers
16.9% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Portfolio (11 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
RIIL 0.4% 764 1,187 55.5%
EXXARO 0.3% 129 94 27.0%
ROHLTD 3.0% 79.2 347 338.3%
ARCHIES 7.1% 27.5 31 12.7%
RSSOFTWARE 4.0% 94.4 256 171.1%
UCAL 2.5% 235 186 20.7%
ARSSINFRA 5.0% 75.3 19.7 73.9%
MBLINFRA 4.9% 34.5 63.2 83.0%
NELCO 2.8% 96.3 974 910.6%
RELCAPITAL 0% 11 11.8 7.2%
NDGL 0.1% 350 3,480 893.8%
Followers (1)