Ved Prakash Agarwal · @ved.prakash.agarwal · 0 Followers
28.6% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Building Materials
Textiles & Apparels
Portfolio (8 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
PRAKASH 5.5% 52.4 198 277.7%
PPL 1.8% 117 468 298.4%
BFUTILITIE 1.5% 596 862 44.8%
NCLIND 0.0% 246 246 0.2%
RSWM 2.3% 194 223 15.3%
TREJHARA 1.3% 80.4 182 126.4%
NAGREEKEXP 3.4% 69.8 34.9 50.1%
DCM 8.0% 24.4 87.6 258.1%