Vijay Kishanlal Kedia-For Partnership Firm · @vijay.kishanlal.kedia2 · 0 Followers
0.0% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Portfolio (22 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
VAIBHAVGBL 0.5% 143 303 111.9%
EVERESTIND 1.3% 443 1,068 141.2%
REPRO 1.2% 504 611 21.3%
SUDARSCHEM 3.7% 199 1,104 454.4%
HERITGFOOD 4.0% 415 634 52.7%
RAMCOSYS 0.1% 464 404 13.0%
TEJASNET 0.1% 80.9 1,215 1401.5%
KTKBANK 0.2% 105 235 123.8%
KOKUYOCMLN 0.2% 118 203 71.1%
ATULAUTO 0.5% 285 641 124.9%
ASTEC 1.6% 387 1,178 204.4%
DREDGECORP 3.0% 791 946 19.7%
HEUBACHIND 9.0% 877 566 35.5%
NEULANDLAB 1.5% 491 12,654 2476.7%
NIITLTD 2.0% 80.9 172 112.8%
APCOTEXIND 1.2% 62.2 433 596.0%
PREMEXPLN 2.2% 505 532 5.4%
LIBERTSHOE 1.1% 237 509 114.5%
SALZERELEC 1.1% 192 928 384.4%
SPECIALITY 0.4% 107 169 57.8%
MIRCELECTR 0.4% 13.7 24.5 79.1%
INDTERRAIN 2.1% 110 57.8 47.4%