Vikramkumar Karanraj Sakaria Huf Daksh Corporation · @vikramkumar.karanraj.sakaria1 · 1 Followers
31.7% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Textiles & Apparels
Portfolio (9 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
DANGEE 11.9% 16.9 8.58 49.2%
VAISHALI 0.3% 126 193 52.7%
SECURCRED 1.9% 22.6 5.67 74.9%
MHLXMIRU 2.1% 107 170 58.9%
RPPINFRA 0.5% 67.5 201 198.4%
AJOONI 0% 4.49 10.3 130.3%
SUULD 0% 7.52 5.73 23.8%
VCL 0% 3.96 1.55 60.8%
MOHOTAIND 0% 7.5 4.56 39.2%
Followers (1)