Directors & Relatives · @directors.and.relatives · 0 Followers
14.8% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (25 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
GEOJITFSL 0.2% 41.3 108 161.2%
KSE 2.5% 2,288 2,014 12.0%
MANAPPURAM 1.7% 24.1 182 655.2%
MARKSANS 1.2% 107 167 55.9%
KARURVYSYA 0.3% 81.7 198 141.9%
NAVA 3.7% 76 512 574.3%
SEMAC 14.5% 629 1,229 95.3%
PHOENIXLTD 4.5% 323 3,118 865.2%
KIRLFER 14.2% 64 690 978.6%
NITESHEST 9.9% 14.3 4.1 71.3%
RAJESHEXPO 0.9% 581 303 47.8%
BHARTIARTL 0.2% 346 1,348 289.4%
SKMEGGPROD 0.3% 203 279 37.6%
CEATLTD 7.3% 1,271 2,442 92.1%
NOIDATOLL 0.7% 24.5 8.91 63.6%
LAKSHMIMIL 2.2% 4,015 4,942 23.1%
WELSPUNLIV 0.7% 89.3 145 62.8%
SUPER 8.8% 880 2,035 131.2%
ZFCVINDIA 3.1% 6,846 13,807 101.7%
NAHARSPING 2.1% 111 269 143.2%
SAKTHIFIN 3.0% 23.9 53.6 124.7%
SWELECTES 0.5% 264 1,318 399.3%
AMBIKCO 0.7% 852 1,534 80.0%
LAKSELECON 1.6% 615 1,677 172.8%
SUMMITSEC -0.0% 299 1,515 407.3%