Porinju V. Veliyath · @porinju.v.veliyath · 7 Followers
16.4% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (18 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
SDBL 3.1% 99 112 13.4%
EMKAY 2.0% 83.8 204 144.0%
AURUM 0.3% 111 169 52.6%
JUBLINDS 0% 135 1,639 1109.9%
TALWALKARS 0% 46.8 1.45 96.9%
SELAN 0.3% 158 529 234.6%
ADFFOODS 2.3% 22.1 233 952.9%
JITFINFRA 2.9% 45 396 781.0%
APOLSINHOT 0.2% 764 1,337 74.9%
TERASOFT 5.0% 82.7 173 108.7%
MBIND 2.3% 145 273 87.8%
IZMO 5.0% 53.9 270 400.4%
TARAJEWELS 0% 52.6 0.5 99.1%
AARVEEDEN 2.1% 36 148 312.5%
BALKRISHNA 0.2% 57 20.1 64.7%
PALASHSECU 1.0% 54 122 126.1%
PALREDTEC 2.0% 47.1 56.6 20.1%
PANYAMCEM 4.8% 11.9 107 797.7%
Followers (7)