Country Condos was originally incorporated as a private limited company under the name and style of Neocure Therapeutics Private Limited on September 25, 1987 in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Subsequently, the company was converted in to public limited company on August 22, 1988. The name and trading symbol of the company changed w.e.f. August 31, 2012. From M/s. Neocure Therapeutics Limited to M/s. Country Condo's Limited.
The company was incorporated with an object to manufacture and sell Pharmaceuticals and formulations. The company had commenced its commercial operations in the year 1987. In order to meet the financial needs to expand the existing business and to add few more products the company went to public in the year 1995-96 and raised capital from public. In view of encouraging measures taken by the Central Government to boost up the industry and economic conditions prevailing in the country, board had decided to diversify, inter-alia, into Real Estate and Construction activity in the year 1997.
Since then the company has diversified into real estate business, which was booming in India, especially in Hyderabad and in view of the same the company had changed its name to Country Condo’s Limited in December, 2006. The timely decision of the company to diversify into real estate business has started yielding results.