Rakesh Jhunjhunwala · @rakesh.jhunjhunwala · 15 Followers
-4.3% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Consumer Durables
Portfolio (53 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
NIFTYENERGY 0% 16,922 31,198 84.4%
TITAN 0.1% 488 3,203 557.0%
JUBLPHARMA 2.9% 600 995 65.9%
LUPIN 0.2% 1,410 1,973 40.0%
CRISIL 1.0% 1,899 4,656 145.2%
FORTIS 0.9% 177 609 243.3%
AUROPHARMA 1.6% 669 1,118 67.1%
NAZARA 0.6% 1,592 925 41.9%
SAIL 2.9% 83.8 110 30.7%
TATASTEEL 1.3% 118 138 16.7%
FEDERALBNK 1.5% 79.7 184 130.7%
TATAMOTORS 1.4% 108 690 540.9%
DELTACORP 4.1% 112 99.8 10.5%
SAMMAANCAP 0.3% 211 122 42.1%
NCC 2.2% 53.5 193 261.2%
KARURVYSYA 1.8% 96.3 220 128.0%
RALLIS 0.3% 208 210 1.1%
MCX 1.2% 1,023 5,701 457.2%
TATACOMM 0.9% 854 1,488 74.3%
DHFL 0% 285 16.7 94.1%
INDHOTEL 1.4% 75.6 758 902.0%
GMRAIRPORT 1.1% 20.9 71 239.6%
TATAMTRDVR 0% 148 765 418.2%
VIPIND 1.2% 309 333 8.0%
APTECHT 1.1% 89.4 126 40.8%
SPICEJET 3.7% 146 45.1 69.2%
JUBLINGREA 0.5% 271 683 152.4%
ATFL 5.3% 654 839 28.3%
TV18BRDCST 0% 32.7 45.3 38.5%
EDELWEISS 1.4% 70.5 99 40.4%
WABAG 3.7% 195 1,399 616.6%
ESCORTS 3.1% 134 3,114 2224.7%
WOCKPHARMA 1.1% 318 1,383 334.9%
GEOJITFSL 7.0% 36.4 82.8 127.3%
HEADSUP 0.8% 224 9.25 95.9%
JPASSOCIAT 4.8% 19.3 4.37 77.3%
KESORAMIND 0.0% 98.4 216 119.2%
ANANTRAJ 0.8% 46.1 544 1080.0%
ORIENTCEM 0.5% 150 327 117.9%
DBREALTY 1.0% 70 135 92.9%
FSL 2.9% 34.8 364 944.2%
MBECL 4.5% 81.2 3.23 96.0%
EMBDL 0.3% 56.5 133 135.6%
DCAL 0.4% 56 223 298.5%
TARC 5.0% 22.1 127 474.4%
PRAKASH 0.5% 72.9 157 114.9%
IONEXCHANG 2.1% 187 519 177.4%
AUTOIND 3.0% 64.2 78.6 22.4%
MANINFRA 2.2% 24 173 621.9%
PROZONER 2.0% 27.6 32.5 17.5%
PPL 0.7% 58 445 665.9%
SURANASOL 0.1% 53.8 35.2 34.6%
VHLTD 2.6% 19.9 116 483.2%
Followers (15)