EPACK Durable
EPACK · Consumer Durables > Air Conditioners Listing date: Jan. 30, 2024

EPACK Durable Limited was incorporated on April 20, 2019, as ‘EPACK Durables Solutions Private Limited’ in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, as a private limited company under the Companies Act, 2013, pursuant to a certificate of incorporation dated May 6, 2019, issued by the Registrar of Companies, Uttar Pradesh at Kanpur (RoC), upon the conversion of M/s E-Vision, a partnership firm (constituted in 2005 pursuant to the partnership deed dated July 16, 2005), into a private limited company. Subsequently, pursuant to a resolution passed by its Shareholders in the extraordinary general meeting held on July 30, 2021, the name of the company was changed from ‘EPACK Durables Solutions Private Limited’ to ‘EPACK Durable Private Limited’, as part of the corporate rebranding of the Company to reflect the principal business being undertaken by the company, and consequently, a fresh certificate of incorporation dated September 17, 2021, was issued by the RoC to the company. Thereafter, the company was converted from a private limited company to a public limited company, pursuant to a resolution passed by its Shareholders in the extraordinary general meeting held on June 13, 2023, and the name of the Company was changed to ‘EPACK Durable Limited’, and a fresh certificate of incorporation dated June 28, 2023, was issued to the Company by the RoC.

The company is largest room air conditioner original design manufacturer (ODM) in India. It is a customer-centric business driven by a focus on continuing innovation and operational efficiency. Since 2003, it has been on a journey of evolution, where it initially started as an OEM for RAC brands. Driven by its focus on product development and innovation, it evolved into an ODM partner for RACs for its customers.

The company also identified the opportunity to increase its value addition in its offerings to customers, and accordingly, started manufacturing of various components such as sheet metal, injection moulded, cross flow fans and PCBA components which are actively used in the manufacturing of RACs. In parallel, it capitalised on its existing manufacturing infrastructure to strategically expand its operations in the small domestic appliances (SDA) market, particularly considering the seasonality of the demand for RACs, and currently design and manufacture induction cooktops, mixer-grinders, and water dispensers. This evidences its continued focus on the backward integration of its operations and diversification of its revenue streams. Its product portfolio currently comprises Room air conditioners, Small domestic appliances, Components etc. Its offerings showcase its ability to provide a wide range of product solutions and components across the RAC value chain.

Business area of the company 

The company is largest room air conditioner original design manufacturer (ODM) in India.

Products of the company

Room air conditioners

  • Window air conditioners (WAC)
  • Indoor units (IDUs)
  • Outdoor units (ODUs)

Small domestic appliances

  • Induction cooktops
  • Mixer grinder
  • Water dispensers


Awards, accreditations or recognitions

  • 2022: ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation for general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories received by the Company for Dehradun Unit I.
  • 2022: ISO 14001:2015 accreditation for environmental management system received by the Company for Dehradun Unit I, Dehradun Unit II, Dehradun Unit III and the Bhiwadi Manufacturing Facility and by its Subsidiary for Dehradun Unit IV.
  • 2022: ISO 9001:2015 accreditation for quality management system received by the Company for Dehradun Unit I, Dehradun Unit II, Dehradun Unit III and the Bhiwadi Manufacturing Facility and by its Subsidiary for Dehradun Unit IV.
  • 2022: ISO 45001:2018 accreditation for occupational health and safety management system received by the Company for Dehradun Unit I, Dehradun Unit II, Dehradun Unit III and the Bhiwadi Manufacturing Facility, and by its Subsidiary for Dehradun Unit IV.
  • 2023: ISO 14001:2015 accreditation for environmental management system, ISO 9001:2015 accreditation for quality management system and ISO 45001:2018 accreditation for occupational health and safety management system received by the Company for the Sri City Manufacturing Facility.

History and milestones

  • 2008: Set up its sheet metal press shop.
  • 2010: Commenced manufacturing of injection moulded components.
  • 2011: Commenced fabrication of copper tubing.
  • 2012: Commenced manufacturing of outdoor units as an original design manufacturer.
  • 2013: Commenced manufacturing of induction cooktops.
  • 2014: Commenced manufacturing i.e. original design manufacturing of window air conditioners.
  • 2015: Commenced manufacturing of heat exchangers.
  • 2017: Commenced manufacturing of water dispensers.
  • 2018: Commenced manufacturing of mixer grinders.
  • 2019: Commenced manufacturing of indoor units.
  • 2019: Commenced manufacturing of 5 mm heat exchangers.
  • 2021: Set up its Bhiwadi Manufacturing Facility.
  • 2022: Commenced manufacturing of cross flow fans.
  • 2023: Set up its Sri City Manufacturing Facility.