Aadi Financial Advisors Llp · @aadi.financial.advisors1 · 0 Followers
25.8% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (27 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
IBREALEST 0.9% 163 150 7.6%
REDINGTON 0.7% 65.4 216 229.3%
GFLLIMITED 0.6% 477 79.6 83.3%
INOXWIND 1.2% 110 159 44.2%
AMBER 0.1% 1,245 4,503 261.6%
CARBORUNIV 1.0% 230 1,690 633.9%
LAURUSLABS 5.1% 70.9 477 572.9%
RAYMOND 9.7% 504 3,227 540.7%
SCHAND 1.8% 662 240 63.8%
MAHSEAMLES 0.0% 203 654 221.3%
PARAGMILK 1.1% 255 181 28.9%
JBFIND 0% 235 4.42 98.1%
BALAJITELE 2.4% 116 72.7 37.2%
BALRAMCHIN 0.3% 79.1 426 438.9%
RKFORGE 2.6% 69 984 1324.6%
APARINDS 3.1% 409 8,863 2067.8%
FLFL 0.4% 128 2.83 97.8%
SANDHAR 2.4% 363 575 58.5%
PRAXIS 2.0% 164 14.4 91.2%
VASCONEQ 0.2% 18.9 72.7 283.5%
ANSALAPI 4.9% 15 10.2 32.0%
RAMKY 0.3% 51.1 618 1109.5%
RML 0.7% 400 900 125.1%
THANGAMAYL 0.2% 237 1,767 644.2%
SAREGAMA 0.5% 14.2 548 3758.7%
FELDVR 0.5% 55.8 5.95 89.3%
GEECEE 0.1% 45.7 389 751.6%