Adroit Financial Services Private Limited · · 0 Followers
49.9% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (44 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
JPPOWER 0.6% 9.4 19.6 108.4%
INVENTURE 1.3% 5.05 3 40.6%
NILAINFRA 2.9% 9.3 12.3 32.3%
VIKASECO 0.8% 2.65 3.85 45.1%
LIKHITHA 4.4% 78.6 458 481.8%
ASTRAMICRO 1.3% 173 950 450.0%
RCOM 0% 3.84 2.04 46.9%
UEL 0% 3.63 244 6635.7%
JPASSOCIAT 4.9% 16.3 10.2 37.4%
HFCL 1.9% 27.9 113 306.1%
VIKASLIFE 0.5% 3.05 5.49 80.1%
RVNL 0.7% 32.7 417 1174.5%
SHRENIK 9.3% 3.81 1.06 72.2%
YESBANK 0.8% 20.7 23.7 14.7%
SUBEXLTD 0.6% 11.5 29.6 156.4%
IBREALEST 0.5% 127 145 13.9%
ELECON 0.2% 136 1,321 872.6%
3IINFOLTD 3.7% 7.88 36.5 362.7%
SPTL 0% 9.21 1.05 88.6%
DIXON 1.6% 582 11,968 1956.9%
SOUTHBANK 0.2% 11.4 26.9 136.3%
VIKASPROP 0% 1.94 0.53 72.7%
BEPL 3.9% 35.7 130 264.0%
AKSHOPTFBR 1.4% 36.8 8.22 77.7%
SBC 0.2% 4.2 27.9 563.1%
MICEL 5.0% 11.1 82.3 640.1%
BCP 2.4% 7.51 4.79 36.2%
FELDVR 0.2% 22 6.16 72.0%
MTNL 0.9% 18.8 42.2 125.2%
GMDCLTD 1.4% 42.6 393 822.0%
SEMAC 2.0% 803 624 22.2%
VAISHALI 1.2% 48.1 157 225.7%
SUMEETINDS 0% 31.9 2.09 93.5%
DIGJAMLMTD 1.6% 21.6 84 288.1%
CGPOWER 0.9% 25.8 704 2630.2%
HDIL 0% 34.1 4.56 86.6%
SUNDARAM 0.3% 5.42 3.01 44.5%
NURECA 1.6% 446 269 39.8%
SHAKTIPUMP 5.0% 367 3,665 899.0%
HEADSUP 0.9% 19.9 11.5 42.0%
SANCO 0% 17.2 9.2 46.6%
GICHSGFIN 0.8% 94.6 246 159.6%
SREINFRA 0% 12.6 2.07 83.6%
ARIES 0.7% 228 260 14.0%