Antara India Evergreen Fund Ltd · @antara.india.evergreen · 0 Followers
-21.4% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (18 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
PAISALO 3.6% 59.6 70.8 18.6%
ACCURACY 0% 17.7 12.6 28.9%
DHANBANK 1.2% 36.7 42.2 14.8%
SATHAISPAT 0% 33.5 2.28 93.2%
FORBESGOK 0.9% 414 632 52.5%
USHAMART 0.9% 30.2 407 1247.5%
RKFORGE 2.6% 91.9 958 942.1%
NILAINFRA 0.2% 12.3 12.6 2.8%
DEEPINDS 5.9% 81.8 306 274.3%
LYPSAGEMS 5.1% 45.2 6 86.7%
VINNY 2.3% 15.9 4.31 72.9%
RPPINFRA 1.5% 90.1 144 59.5%
SAMPANN 0.9% 3.95 38.9 884.1%
KAVVERITEL 2.0% 8.5 24.8 191.2%
DEEPENR 0.1% 46 168 265.9%
NILASPACES 2.0% 1.05 8.88 745.7%
WEBELSOLAR 1.5% 45.9 564 1128.1%
RMCL 0% 3.75 1.95 48.0%