B.W.Traders · @b.w.traders · 0 Followers
16.2% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (25 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
HPAL 0.8% 86.5 95.2 10.1%
RMDRIP 3.1% 23.1 16.5 28.5%
AWHCL 1.7% 364 698 91.8%
CAREERP 0.2% 149 483 223.1%
GENCON 0.8% 50 44.4 11.2%
UFO 0.9% 93.3 131 40.9%
APOLLO 1.1% 21.3 107 402.1%
KBCGLOBAL 2.1% 3.75 1.94 48.3%
GAYAPROJ 0% 11.4 9.54 16.5%
PRITIKAUTO 1.1% 20.3 28.4 40.0%
MOKSH 0% 19.7 23.6 19.8%
EROSMEDIA 1.1% 38 18 52.6%
RAMASTEEL 0.8% 4.69 15.2 224.9%
GATECHDVR 0% 8.8 1.19 86.5%
MAGNUM 0.2% 10.1 46.8 363.3%
BANARBEADS 0.6% 58.5 98.9 69.0%
ARIES 1.9% 148 266 79.0%
IZMO 1.9% 89.4 447 400.4%
CENTEXT 2.2% 5.36 24.4 355.4%
HUBTOWN 0.7% 51 267 424.0%
VAISHALI 0.3% 52.8 193 265.7%
KCPSUGIND 1.3% 25.4 54.7 115.5%
MAHESHWARI 1.9% 130 66.1 49.3%
CORDSCABLE 0.3% 72.2 199 175.2%
COMPINFO 0% 30.4 2.71 91.1%