Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Company Limited · @edelweiss.asset.reconstruction58 · 0 Followers
-2.2% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (15 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
ARSHIYA 2.0% 99 4.97 95.0%
RPOWER 2.4% 2.75 28.3 930.2%
TI 2.8% 30.9 240 675.6%
KAMATHOTEL 3.0% 94 216 129.6%
PSL 0% 13.6 0.45 96.7%
COFFEEDAY 2.7% 40 53.4 33.5%
ELECTHERM 2.0% 207 735 254.4%
A2ZINFRA 1.8% 19.8 21.2 7.3%
PIONEEREMB 1.5% 78.7 47.8 39.3%
WANBURY 0.1% 22 161 630.2%
INDSWFTLAB 1.6% 41 131 219.4%
PREMIER 4.4% 20 5 75.0%
KREBSBIO 20.0% 102 87.5 13.8%
WSI 1.5% 5.25 166 3071.4%
IZMO 2.0% 30.9 405 1209.7%