Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund A/C Franklin India Prima Fund · @franklin.templeton.mutual68 · 0 Followers
15.8% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Portfolio (29 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
PETRONET 0.3% 216 336 55.4%
FINCABLES 2.8% 443 1,156 161.1%
PNBHOUSING 0.5% 922 868 5.9%
INDHOTEL 3.0% 140 854 509.6%
SCHAEFFLER 1.1% 1,074 3,306 207.9%
APOLLOTYRE 0.3% 244 532 117.9%
COLPAL 1.1% 1,057 2,751 160.2%
RBLBANK 7.0% 653 153 76.6%
TORNTPHARM 1.0% 695 3,434 394.0%
KAJARIACER 0.6% 636 1,144 79.8%
TATACHEM 2.9% 719 1,028 42.9%
ECLERX 3.3% 964 3,616 275.1%
PIIND 1.5% 954 3,815 299.8%
RAMCOCEM 3.9% 646 988 52.8%
NAUKRI 2.3% 1,355 8,494 527.0%
CESC 2.3% 75.8 183 140.9%
CYIENT 4.6% 483 1,925 298.2%
THERMAX 0.0% 1,031 4,649 350.9%
BAYERCROP 1.0% 3,897 5,864 50.5%
TORNTPOWER 9.4% 301 1,477 390.4%
HCG 2.0% 244 531 118.1%
CUB 2.3% 96.2 176 82.9%
COROMANDEL 0.3% 290 1,839 533.6%
CROMPTON 2.0% 154 388 152.8%
ZFCVINDIA 0.0% 5,505 11,643 111.5%
SOBHA 4.3% 340 1,540 352.8%
VTL 3.4% 193 525 172.0%
BATAINDIA 1.8% 498 1,343 169.9%
GREAVESCOT 3.1% 150 232 54.6%