Hdfc Trustee Company Ltd - A/C Hdfc Mid - Cap Opportunities Fund · @hdfc.trustee.company292 · 0 Followers
14.6% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Consumer Durables
Portfolio (13 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
EXIDEIND 2.1% 257 389 51.2%
HEXAWARE 0% 215 471 119.3%
MFSL 1.2% 597 1,078 80.5%
TORNTPHARM 1.4% 922 3,276 255.4%
DBL 2.7% 631 420 33.3%
VTL 1.6% 222 474 113.7%
NAM-INDIA 1.6% 317 667 110.2%
BLUESTARCO 2.0% 401 1,975 393.2%
CHOLAHLDNG 5.3% 356 1,497 320.1%
ARE&M 2.0% 821 1,079 31.4%
SCHAEFFLER 3.5% 821 3,325 305.1%
GRINDWELL 0.2% 545 1,874 243.9%
GREENLAM 1.1% 146 550 277.5%