Hdfc Trustee Company Ltd-Hdfc Equity Fund · @hdfc.trustee.company356 · 0 Followers
17.0% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (49 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
INFY 0.4% 550 1,628 195.7%
SBIN 1.7% 234 840 258.7%
AUROPHARMA 2.1% 794 1,239 56.0%
AXISBANK 2.1% 544 1,280 135.2%
BHARTIARTL 0.1% 424 1,420 234.6%
LT 0.3% 859 3,615 320.6%
POWERGRID 1.4% 137 335 144.8%
RECLTD 4.2% 108 562 418.8%
BANKBARODA 1.0% 131 268 104.8%
GAIL 0.6% 108 220 103.4%
LUPIN 0.1% 830 1,631 96.4%
VEDL 1.3% 174 464 166.7%
PFC 5.7% 79.8 531 565.8%
MARUTI 0.7% 4,174 12,121 190.4%
TATACHEM 0.7% 690 1,103 59.7%
CESC 0.3% 92.9 159 71.1%
TATAMTRDVR 0.3% 295 661 124.3%
CGPOWER 0.2% 174 721 314.0%
DMART 0.3% 1,170 4,792 309.4%
AMBUJACEM 0.1% 194 692 256.7%
GRASIM -0.0% 765 2,742 258.3%
BPCL 0.8% 215 307 42.4%
CENTURYTEX 1.4% 1,229 2,350 91.3%
OFSS 2.0% 3,692 10,428 182.5%
BALKRISIND 0.6% 337 3,111 823.5%
KPIL 2.7% 305 1,245 307.7%
CONCOR 0.4% 543 1,022 88.1%
BHEL 4.8% 76 311 309.9%
DISHTV 1.0% 103 15.8 84.6%
BEML 1.9% 874 4,566 422.4%
NHPC 2.5% 26.8 101 278.5%
BDL 2.2% 333 1,632 389.9%
PRSMJOHNSN 0.8% 102 169 65.1%
SUNTV 1.4% 378 796 110.7%
CROMPTON 0.4% 135 411 203.3%
LTTS 0.2% 1,636 5,037 207.9%
NAUKRI 0.9% 804 6,809 747.1%
SBBJ 0% 506 772 52.7%
NETWORK18 0.4% 55.5 88.2 58.9%
RAMCOSYS 1.4% 768 364 52.7%
PRAJIND 1.5% 86.3 734 750.5%
SITINET 1.5% 31.8 0.67 97.9%
HCC 2.2% 33 48 45.1%
SADBHIN 1.8% 110 5.68 94.8%
KSK 0% 33.7 0.55 98.4%
AJRINFRA 0% 7.93 0.68 91.4%
TIMETECHNO 0.4% 54.6 334 510.9%
SOTL 7.5% 108 597 453.3%
JPPOWER 1.1% 5.1 19.7 285.5%