Homu Lar · @homu · 0 Followers
24.1% IRR
Member since Jan. 14, 2022

Are you looking forward to renovating or remodeling your entire kitchen this year? Well, there are questions you need to answer before you can take that first step. Remodeling your kitchen can cost a lot of money if you cannot find the right experts to do it. Having the right budget for your remodeling project is not enough. There is a lot to consider if you want to ensure your kitchen remodeling is successful.

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@homu shares his portfolio only with followers.
Watchlist (12 stocks)
Company LTP Change
BALKRISIND 2785.2 1.2%
SUPREMEIND 4847.5 3.5%
UNITDSPR 1545.8 1.6%
CHOLAFIN 1188.4 2.1%
INFY 1922.1 1.3%
MRPL 142.2 2.6%
POWERGRID 315.8 1.9%
TCS 4168.1 2.4%
BHARTIARTL 1578.3 1.3%
ITC 464.6 0.4%
HINDZINC 469.4 2.0%
GREAVESCOT 232.4 3.1%
Following (15)