Idfc Tax Advantage (Elss) Fund · · 0 Followers
35.2% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (18 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
JINDALSTEL 2.5% 169 1,025 506.9%
UNOMINDA 3.6% 135 1,123 732.2%
NAVA 4.3% 140 744 432.8%
EIHOTEL 0.7% 90.7 433 377.2%
SANDHAR 3.0% 352 558 58.6%
PSPPROJECT 2.8% 488 699 43.1%
KIRLFER 0.6% 64.8 782 1107.7%
IGARASHI 2.1% 760 500 34.2%
TEXRAIL 4.6% 61.4 286 365.5%
ASIANTILES 3.0% 246 80.4 67.3%
KHADIM 0.9% 220 361 64.3%
APOLLOPIPE 0.2% 125 631 406.1%
TDPOWERSYS 1.2% 58.4 404 591.5%
INOXWIND 0.3% 438 158 63.9%
NELCAST 1.4% 72.6 149 104.8%
GPTINFRA 5.0% 82.9 165 98.9%
PRAXIS 1.9% 278 14.1 94.9%
KEI 1.9% 76.3 4,598 5922.4%