Lok Prakashan Ltd · @lok.prakashan · 0 Followers
17.0% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Portfolio (9 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
GUJALKALI 0.9% 178 811 354.6%
TNPL 0.0% 133 207 56.0%
MANGLMCEM 0.6% 297 880 195.9%
ANDHRAPAP 0.7% 224 104 53.5%
JAYSREETEA 3.5% 69.8 148 111.9%
ALBERTDAVD 1.7% 312 1,465 369.2%
STARPAPER 0.2% 173 222 28.2%
GILLANDERS 3.5% 85.1 95.8 12.6%
CORDSCABLE 0.6% 60.6 210 246.3%