Millennium Stock Broking Pvt Ltd · @millennium.stock.broking · 0 Followers
125.5% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (25 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
HAPPSTMNDS 1.2% 376 794 111.0%
BECTORFOOD 0.8% 577 1,948 237.8%
VIMTALABS 5.4% 108 574 431.2%
RELCAPITAL 0% 5.72 11.8 106.1%
HITECHCORP 2.1% 176 220 25.3%
SHILPAMED 1.4% 514 905 76.2%
INDIAGLYCO 0.2% 145 1,220 741.4%
VENUSREM 0.7% 110 348 217.4%
SEQUENT 0.1% 169 178 5.1%
SHAKTIPUMP 2.1% 372 4,210 1030.9%
DATAMATICS 2.8% 96.5 635 558.3%
SHANKARA 0.7% 599 568 5.2%
VLSFINANCE 0.6% 83.9 398 374.6%
MBLINFRA 2.0% 44.7 64.2 43.5%
VIVIDHA 0.9% 1.34 1.07 20.1%
GOACARBON 2.4% 144 821 468.9%
KECL 1.8% 44.3 193 335.6%
EMBDL 0.9% 131 125 4.6%
GLOBUSSPR 1.9% 87.1 1,331 1429.1%
GOKEX 2.1% 89.4 943 953.9%
DIXON 0.1% 576 14,060 2340.9%
ROSSARI 1.6% 719 909 26.4%
ARIES 0.2% 165 289 75.4%
TRF 2.6% 307 499 62.5%
GMBREW 5.2% 321 936 191.5%