Mukul Mahavir Agarwal · @mukul.mahavir.agarwal · 1 Followers
58.7% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Textiles & Apparels
Oil & Gas
Portfolio (9 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
PDSL 1.3% 62.2 558 797.8%
ARMANFIN 1.8% 320 2,126 564.1%
DOLPHIN 0.1% 104 701 571.1%
CGPOWER 2.0% 9.35 718 7584.0%
LOVABLE 4.8% 262 145 44.7%
KANORICHEM 5.2% 95.6 131 37.1%
CTE 0.4% 85.1 127 48.9%
MCLEODRUSS 2.9% 12.9 27.2 111.6%
MITCON 1.5% 41 134 227.0%
Followers (1)