Oppenheimer Developing Markets Fund · @oppenheimer.developing.markets · 8 Followers
27.6% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (13 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
KOTAKBANK 0.1% 1,125 1,985 76.5%
ZEEL 4.3% 383 100 73.8%
INFY 0.7% 504 1,579 213.4%
DRREDDY 0.2% 655 1,108 69.1%
ULTRACEMCO 0.7% 2,967 10,448 252.2%
AMBUJACEM 0.5% 229 486 112.5%
CIPLA 0.5% 626 1,462 133.3%
APOLLOHOSP 0.7% 1,133 6,102 438.7%
OBEROIRLTY 2.5% 463 1,533 231.0%
BIOCON 0.6% 168 323 92.2%
GLENMARK 1.2% 870 1,404 61.5%
CHOLAFIN 0.5% 219 1,443 559.0%
COLPAL 0.8% 893 2,411 170.1%
Followers (8)