Religare Finvest Limited · @religare.finvest1 · 0 Followers
-3.9% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Consumer Services
Portfolio (27 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
RNAVAL 0% 59.4 2.27 96.2%
KTKBANK 0.2% 125 235 87.6%
SITINET 1.1% 35 0.91 97.4%
PARSVNATH 2.0% 18.6 18.1 2.6%
NECCLTD 5.0% 48.1 30.8 36.0%
MAHSEAMLES 1.0% 121 637 426.7%
ZEELEARN 2.4% 30.3 8.87 70.8%
TREEHOUSE 1.1% 178 19.6 89.0%
CENTUM 2.3% 677 1,858 174.4%
CIGNITITEC 0.6% 440 1,378 213.3%
ACE 0.6% 38.2 1,419 3609.9%
ANDHRAPAP 0.7% 246 107 56.5%
MATHEWEASOW 5.0% 156 11.8 92.5%
SKIL 0% 28.2 5.48 80.6%
NECLIFE 0.8% 35.1 41 16.8%
HINDTINWRK 0.2% 96.8 220 126.8%
DCM 0.6% 99.4 90.5 8.9%
SUMEETINDS 2.0% 11.7 4.08 65.1%
TCLCONS 2.0% 19 41.5 118.5%
SRHHYPOLTD 0.1% 47.2 750 1488.2%
ARIHANT 2.0% 59.3 498 739.1%
NTL 0% 16.6 2.81 83.1%
CANTABIL 0.5% 7.4 245 3210.8%
SOMICONVEY 2.4% 46.2 162 251.4%
BANG 1.0% 11.2 54.9 389.8%
THOMASCOTT 4.8% 10.8 245 2175.3%
TOKYOPLAST 1.2% 29 118 308.6%