Samir Aggarwal · @samir14 · 2 Followers
12.5% IRR · Invests via Zerodha
Member since Aug. 2, 2018

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@samir14 shares his portfolio only with followers.
Watchlist (25 stocks)
Company LTP Change
HSCL 403.1 0.1%
TATACONSUM 1137.2 0.1%
AIFL 1.6 0%
KNRCON 355.5 1.1%
SHEMAROO 157.0 1.9%
TCNSBRANDS 548.2 2.9%
DBL 541.3 1.1%
DLF 832.8 0.7%
COFFEEDAY 54.9 1.7%
M&M 2882.6 0.0%
DLINKINDIA 534.6 0.6%
ZYDUSLIFE 1162.4 2.2%
GUJALKALI 780.3 0.7%
NESTLEIND 2573.9 1.2%
BATAINDIA 1507.4 0.1%
THOMASCOOK 257.7 3.6%
COLPAL 2908.4 0.8%
SUVEN 127.3 10.0%
GLAXO 2535.1 2.1%
YESBANK 26.6 11.1%
GNA 435.4 0.3%
RELAXO 829.4 0.5%
TAKE 20.9 2.0%
QUICKHEAL 534.0 2.8%
Followers (2)
Following (1)