Sbi Magnum Multiplier Fund · @sbi.magnum.multiplier2 · 0 Followers
20.8% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (22 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
STAR 1.5% 1,054 1,366 29.7%
M&MFIN 0.3% 367 326 11.0%
THERMAX 0.4% 933 5,216 458.8%
DIXON 0.1% 578 14,060 2331.2%
TORNTPHARM 2.6% 695 3,360 383.3%
LAURUSLABS 3.3% 96.1 485 404.7%
REPCOHOME 3.0% 709 540 23.9%
JUBLFOOD 0.0% 178 675 280.1%
DIAMONDYD 0.4% 1,181 821 30.5%
MHRIL 0.9% 188 411 118.7%
CYIENT 3.8% 546 2,053 276.3%
TV18BRDCST 2.3% 45.2 47.6 5.1%
SFL 0.0% 516 928 79.8%
GREAVESCOT 2.3% 170 182 7.1%
DYNAMATECH 0.2% 2,508 7,575 202.1%
BLUEDART 6.6% 7,338 8,632 17.6%
GEORGFISCH 0.8% 6,709 17,900 166.8%
NRBBEARING 0.2% 122 314 158.3%
AHLUCONT 1.2% 283 1,196 322.9%
LUMAXTECH 2.2% 81.6 571 599.4%
SANGHVIMOV 1.0% 320 792 147.6%
TFCILTD 4.2% 60.2 169 180.7%