Tata Investment Corporation Limited · @tata.investment.corporation · 1 Followers
27.2% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Consumer Durables
Portfolio (23 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
TATACONSUM 0.4% 219 1,008 361.1%
TITAN 0.7% 380 3,222 748.4%
TATACHEM 3.0% 436 802 84.2%
TATAMOTORS 2.0% 499 648 29.9%
VOLTAS 2.6% 242 1,311 440.6%
TRENT 3.1% 149 4,805 3124.3%
TATASTEEL 1.2% 47.8 139 190.3%
INDHOTEL 0.0% 126 724 472.6%
TCS 0.5% 1,279 3,612 182.4%
TATAPOWER 2.2% 82.2 343 317.9%
CARERATING 1.4% 1,482 1,152 22.2%
TATAELXSI 2.4% 302 5,560 1738.4%
GICHSGFIN 2.4% 214 168 21.5%
MBLINFRA 6.8% 247 39.3 84.1%
ASTRAMICRO 1.1% 132 616 366.5%
SIYSIL 4.2% 186 615 231.3%
SWARAJENG 2.7% 915 2,690 194.0%
SHEMAROO 3.0% 199 115 42.0%
MANGLMCEM 1.4% 312 719 130.7%
INDRAMEDCO 1.9% 56.9 383 573.1%
MTEDUCARE 0% 124 2.08 98.3%
ORIENTHOT 4.7% 23.3 134 475.5%
NELCO 4.6% 81.4 768 843.7%
Followers (1)