The Nomura Trust And Banking Co., Ltd As The Trustee Of Nomura India Stock Mother Fund · @the.nomura.trust15 · 0 Followers
12.6% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (18 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
ENDURANCE 0.9% 991 2,726 175.0%
VARROC 0.5% 888 672 24.3%
SAPPHIRE 0.7% 1,377 1,583 14.9%
SOBHA 0.8% 525 2,020 284.8%
KPIL 0.2% 532 1,228 130.8%
MCLEODRUSS 0.4% 161 26.8 83.4%
MANPASAND 0% 467 5.85 98.7%
SADBHAV 3.0% 423 30.9 92.7%
LAURUSLABS 5.1% 126 477 279.7%
AAVAS 0.8% 858 1,779 107.5%
SANGHIIND 0.2% 135 99.8 26.3%
ADVENZYMES 0.3% 385 399 3.6%
DHANI 0.4% 61.3 56.2 8.3%
CRAFTSMAN 0.6% 1,436 5,672 295.1%
BRIGADE 2.9% 156 1,345 761.0%
KALYANKJIL 1.0% 334 495 48.2%
NEULANDLAB 0.5% 996 7,765 679.4%
TIL 2.0% 711 325 54.3%