Vistra Itcl (India) Limited · @vistra.itcl.india15 · 0 Followers
40.7% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (37 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
ADANIGREEN 0.1% 46.8 1,774 3691.6%
ADANIPORTS 2.5% 327 1,511 361.9%
BLUESTARCO 0.0% 644 1,607 149.4%
CGPOWER 0.2% 59.9 721 1104.6%
FLFL 3.4% 280 2.75 99.0%
FCONSUMER 0% 32 0.97 97.0%
RNAVAL 0% 64.3 2.27 96.5%
NATCOPHARM 1.9% 850 1,216 43.0%
KWALITY 0% 122 2.2 98.2%
FRETAIL 0% 82.2 3.09 96.2%
BALLARPUR 0% 15.9 0.89 94.4%
FEL 1.3% 31.7 0.81 97.4%
UFLEX 4.5% 221 563 154.7%
COX&KINGS 0% 288 1.75 99.4%
MANGCHEFER 0.6% 43.9 127 189.9%
SINTEX 0% 94.3 2.21 97.7%
PRABHAT 1.9% 119 99.6 16.5%
WALCHANNAG 5.0% 154 272 75.9%
KARURVYSYA 0.6% 87.4 206 135.9%
NSIL 0.5% 719 4,604 540.3%
FLEXITUFF 2.3% 199 29.8 85.0%
NIITLTD 1.7% 97.3 111 14.4%
SITINET 1.5% 10 0.67 93.3%
DEN 0.1% 74.2 56 24.6%
PARSVNATH 6.2% 13.9 13.2 5.1%
AURIONPRO 5.0% 239 1,462 512.5%
EVEREADY 1.6% 84.5 354 319.2%
MEP 1.9% 11.8 7.7 35.0%
AVTNPL 1.7% 47.9 87.8 83.4%
DECCANCE 1.4% 274 675 146.7%
GSS 0.5% 26.8 92.7 246.4%
CANDC 0% 24.1 2.36 90.2%
JMTAUTOLTD 0% 1.3 1.35 3.8%
LLOYDSENGG 0.3% 1.05 70.5 6609.5%
MCLEODRUSS 2.3% 15.8 26 64.5%
CONSOFINVT 0% 36.1 152 320.6%
TREJHARA 1.3% 6.05 182 2908.3%