Vls Finance Ltd · @vls.finance2 · 0 Followers
23.5% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Textiles & Apparels
Portfolio (18 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
RELAXO 0.4% 221 834 277.8%
ACCELYA 0.9% 938 1,739 85.4%
SREERAYALK 0.7% 81.2 89.6 10.3%
PARSVNATH 6.2% 8.68 13.2 52.5%
DWARKESH 0.0% 30 75.4 150.9%
KSL 0.5% 168 995 491.1%
SURYAROSNI 1.2% 64.8 675 942.1%
YUKEN 2.5% 563 1,184 110.2%
TIIL 0.9% 193 2,886 1395.4%
AMBIKCO 0.2% 535 1,665 211.5%
AURUM 2.4% 65.1 160 145.8%
VLSFINANCE 0.6% 177 299 69.2%
SUMMITSEC 1.4% 251 1,936 671.9%
MBLINFRA 2.1% 21.9 66.8 205.4%
CANTABIL 0.2% 22.8 262 1051.3%
LOKESHMACH 0.9% 97.8 428 337.9%
STEL 0.8% 28 462 1550.2%
BHANDARI 1.5% 2.87 7.81 172.1%