Whv-Eam International Small Cap Equity Fund · @whv.eam.international · 0 Followers
12.4% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Textiles & Apparels
Consumer Durables
Portfolio (8 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
EASEMYTRIP 0.3% 37.9 12.6 66.9%
TIRUMALCHM 4.0% 259 237 8.3%
LUXIND 2.1% 2,538 1,216 52.1%
INDIAGLYCO 2.8% 889 1,072 20.6%
STOVEKRAFT 3.3% 948 739 22.1%
ACE 1.5% 231 1,151 399.1%
MINDACORP 0.4% 175 517 195.9%
MEGH 0.4% 70.7 138 95.5%