Hdfc Trustee Company Limited - Hdfc Capital Builder Fund · @hdfc.trustee.company278 · 0 Followers
25.8% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Consumer Durables
Portfolio (15 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
NHPC 0.1% 31.2 104 232.3%
TRENT 0.5% 334 5,589 1572.4%
GPPL 0.8% 143 222 55.9%
CROMPTON 2.8% 271 421 55.5%
GLENMARK 1.4% 596 1,356 127.6%
CARBORUNIV 0.5% 186 1,698 814.2%
PETRONET 0.0% 123 337 173.1%
MATRIMONY 2.3% 935 621 33.6%
KARURVYSYA 1.0% 104 201 93.6%
TITAGARH 0.4% 102 1,823 1684.6%
JKIL 2.7% 400 878 119.6%
DYNAMATECH 1.6% 1,730 7,125 311.9%
POWERMECH 1.7% 605 4,852 701.7%
VIPIND 1.2% 83.6 476 469.0%
PRABHAT 1.9% 117 99.6 15.1%